Bluestone PIM Blog

    Category: Customer experience
    The Art and Science of Customer Experience The Art and Science of Customer Experience

    Customer experience is the new black. It builds customer loyalty and helps you drive sales for your...

    7 Simple Ways to Improve eCommerce Customer Experience 7 Simple Ways to Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

    Customer experience is the future of digital commerce. According to Walker Insights, it is the key...

    Convenience vs Privacy: Serving Customers in a Connected World Convenience vs Privacy: Serving Customers in a Connected World

    Technology advancements allow us to create new shopping experiences, and customers are eager to try...

    The Beginner’s Guide to Effective Product Storytelling The Beginner’s Guide to Effective Product Storytelling

    Author, entrepreneur, and marketer Seth Godin once said: “Marketing is no longer about the stuff...

    Inside a Customer-First Company Inside a Customer-First Company

    In our office in Norway and in other countries, next to our logo, the primary spot is taken by this...

    Experience Is King: The Natural Progression from PIM to PXM Experience Is King: The Natural Progression from PIM to PXM

    Here’s the awful truth – as you’re reading these words, your products are competing with the exact...

    Product Variants: Benefits, Tips and Examples Product Variants: Benefits, Tips and Examples

    There are things in life we love to repeatedly do. Just like the Swedish people, who can’t...

    5 Ways to Make Your Customers Fall in Love with Your Product 5 Ways to Make Your Customers Fall in Love with Your Product

    Why do customers choose a particular product over another one? Why do they prefer this brand,...

    Choosing between Omnichannel and Multichannel Choosing between Omnichannel and Multichannel

    Today, people are shopping where they find it most convenient and therefore, it’s increasingly...

    6 Surprising Retail Habits of Millennial Shoppers 6 Surprising Retail Habits of Millennial Shoppers

    In the next couple of years, as Millennials will reach their prime spending power, they will become...

    Omnichannel Sales: Meet Your Customers Where They Are Omnichannel Sales: Meet Your Customers Where They Are

    People are shopping where they find it most convenient. With plenty of options for discovering,...

    Is Your Online Sales Strategy Customer-First? Is Your Online Sales Strategy Customer-First?

    Online sales thrive on self service, but they don’t have to be any less personal than offline...